Columbine Records Review Task Questions from Randy Brown (2002)

During the Columbine Records Review Task Force, Randy Brown submitted a series of requests to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office regarding missing files and evidence along with questions regarding inconsistencies in the documents that had been released. This document contains Brown's questions and requests, Jeffco's responses, and Brown's follow-up questions and comments. This document was received by the CRRTF on 7/24/2002 and Brown sent his final responses on 12/11/2002.

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Columbine Records Review Task Questions from Randy Brown (2002)

Randy Brown's Q&A Page Links
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Randy Brown's Q&A


1. All items, tapes, notes, paperwork, copies of interviews and associated information, photos, tapes, and any related information given b y D. A. Dave Thomas, the district attorney‘s office, sheriff’s office, the diversion program and its counselors, or any person involved in this project to the T.V. program A & E for the upcoming television show: the psychological autopsy of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Sheriff’s Office did not supply the Arts and Entertainment Network with any documents, writings, tapes etc. Any member of the media, to include A&E did have access to the same redacted files that are available to the public. Please contact District Attorney Dave Thomas regarding any information provided by his office.

BROWN RESPONSE: It is possible that the Sheriff’s Office did not supply any information to the A&E special, although certain crime scene photos were used in the special that have not, to our knowledge, been released to the public. It is, however, difficult to understand how District Attorney Dave Thomas personally solicited the Psychiatric Autopsy while at the same time withholding incredibly valuable and pertinent information from the team of experts. The information held in the recently released diversion files would have been extremely valuable to associated professionals across the country.

Delaying the Psychiatric Autopsy until this information was available would have been beneficial. To solicit and encourage the show knowing that the diversion file information existed was self-serving and certainly counterproductive, and provided fraudulent and misleading information to the millions of viewers who watched this national television show. A psychiatric autopsy that failed to reveal that Eric Harris was suicidal and homicidal, and that the diversion program had been informed of those “red flags”, is certainly not comprehensive.

2. All ballistics information, tests, notes, details and file s from the Columbine shootings in the hands of the C.B.I., the F.B.I., the Jefferson County's or any other agency, including weights, measures, photos, forensic tests, laser tests, comparison tests, ballistic testing, metallurgic testing and matching and any associated paperwork. This is a request for detailed reports.

JCSO RESPONSE: All ballistics reports in the possession of Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released. Crime scene photographs have not been made public. FBI diagrams have been released on CD-ROM. There are other “one of a kind" diagrams that have been made available to the public for viewing, including members of the media and Mr. Brown.

BROWN RESPONSE: This response is, at best, misleading. As of Nov. 30, 2002, we still do not have ballistics mapping for approx. 100 fired police rounds. These police rounds have evidence numbers, and have been identified as having been fired from police weapons, yet they do not show up on any map as “located evidence numbers”. No ballistic mapping for these rounds has been produced, despite many Open Records Requests for them. Since J.C.S.O is stating that they do not have this missing information, who has it? The C.B.I. has reportedly released all o f its information. Who has the ballistic mapping and missing maps? Is it the position o f the J.C.S.O. that this ballistic mapping was never completed? Is the absence of these 100 missing police rounds an oversight?

There are many other detailed items missing from the ballistics information. Please note that some crime scene photos have been selectively released and “leaked''. FBI diagrams have been released that are not comprehensive and are extremely difficult and expensive to open. Please note that many of the “one of a kind" diagrams have never been physically released to the public in any form. All that we have of some of these diagrams are photo enlargements that were taken with a hand held 35 mm camera. These photo enlargements are certainly no substitute for a workable copy of the actual map or diagram. Please provide the information requested above, as well as release legible, reproducible maps to the public for all crime scene maps and diagrams.

3. The Harris interview. (Post-Columbine interview with Mr. and Mrs. Harris.) This would include all notes, recordings and the list of who was present, etc.

JCSO RESPONSE: No report was written by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office on the meeting between Mr. and Mrs. Harris, their attorneys and representatives from the District Attorney's Office and the Sheriff’s Office. As stated previously and reported on extensively, the meeting was meant to establish the parameters for future interviews. Further interviews did not take place.

BROWN RESPONSE: No report was written? Please write a report as to the discussion and terms discussed for future meetings. Please report specifically who was at this meeting

4. The Klebold interview. (Post-Columbine interview with Mr. and Mrs. Klehold.) This would include all notes recordings and the list o f who was present, etc.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Klebold Interview was released to the public as part of the Investigative Files (JC-001-010507 to JC-001-010515). No other notes, reports or recordings regarding this interview are in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.

BROWN RESPONSE: Acceptable response. This report has been released.

5. Klebold search affidavit for March/April of 1998.

JCSO RESPONSE: No affidavit exists for the Klebold residence for March/April 1998.

BROWN RESPONSE: We were previously told that no search warrant existed for the Harris household, a proven lie, so please excuse our misgivings as to the truthfulness of your response. Have you verified that this search warrant affidavit does not exist? Has the Sheriff’s Office checked on Deputy Guerra’s computer to see if a draft of this warrant exists? Is there an explanation as to why a warrant would be prepared for the Harris home and not the Klebold home, based on the complaint filed Mar. 31st, 1998. Please expand this request to include the time period prior to Apr. 20, 1999. Please provide the information requested.

6. Any and all files related to bombs, bomb making, affidavits or any reference to cases 98-3365, 98-5504 and 99-7625 from Deputy Guerra’s computer and associated files. This would include any related materials to Kevin Foy (if any) and other bomb-related reports for the time span of Oct. 1997 through Aug.1998.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted reports in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office regarding bombs and bomb making have been released regarding case report numbers 98-3365, 98-5504 and 99-7625. However, the Investigative Files for 99-7625 does not contain every bomb-related report that may have been generated between October 1997 and August 1998. In order to locate every potential report that may have any relation to bombs or bomb making, every report generated in that time span would have to be reviewed. There is currently no way to conduct a search of the narrative section of a report other than to read it. For instance, if a “Suspicious Incident" report was generated that refers to bombs or bomb making, there is no way to identify that information without reading it.

BROWN RESPONSE: We did not request every report filed at the JCSO, although that is a good idea. We requested every report involving Deputy Guerra for that time span. As a member of the bomb squad he would have access to all related reports. Your refusal to complete this simple request is evasive and an obstruction of justice, as well as a violation of the Freedom of Information Open Records laws. Please comply. In addition we would like every file related to the above-mentioned cases prepared or in files related to Deputy Baldwin, Deputy Milsap, Deputy Grove, former Division Chief Kiekbusch, Deputy Healey and Sheriff Stone.

7. The Kevin Foy sealed file and any related or unrelated file on Kevin Foy.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted reports in the possession o f the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released.

BROWN RESPONSE: We have obtained the Foy report from the Arvada Police Department. In response to your answer: While it may be true that you have released all “redacted reports”, you have certainty not fulfilled all Freedom of Information Requests, and have not released all of the pages ordered by the court. Need I remind you of the 5,000 pages that have been in the process o f redaction since May 1st, 2002. You have not fulfilled the court orders in a reasonable and ethical manner. Do you have unredacted reports in your files regarding this request? .Are you aware of reports regarding this request that are not in your possession? How did you complete a thorough investigation without this information?

8. Any record, note, file, computer file, computer record, arrest report, affidavit from Detective John Hicks regarding the Browns. Eric Harris. Dylan Klebold, Zach Heckler. Kevin Foy or Columbine.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted reports in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released. John Hicks is no longer employed with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

BROWN RESPONSE: This response is, at best, simply not believable. We have reviewed Detective Hicks files for an extended period, He was thorough and detailed. It is difficult to believe that Detective Hicks did not complete a report on such a serious subject. In fact, Detective Hicks started this file while we were at the Sheriff’s Dept, on Mar. 31, 1998. We witnessed it. He made notes, and started a file with the van break-in information and our web page complaint. Please provide us with copies of his reports.

9. John Hicks appointment book: March-August 1998. (inclusive)

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have John Hicks’ appointment book for 1998.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please note that Former Division Chief John Kickbusch referenced this appointment book in a press conference. Was this a true statement? Does this appointment book exist? Did former Division Chief John Kickbusch refer to this document without actually having seen it for verification? Please obtain a copy from Detective Hicks, or any other source. Do you need his forwarding address?

10. Copies of tapes from camera 5 from Columbine.

JCSO RESPONSE: There is no “camera 5” as referenced by Mr. Brown. On April 20, 1999 there were four surveillance cameras on the outside portion of Columbine High School. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office collected seven tapes (Evidence items 2468 and 2469) from these cameras on April 21, 1999. These seven tapes are daily surveillance tapes of after hour activities in the days prior to April 20, 1999. The cameras are timed to record every day between 3:00 PM and 5:00 AM the next day. They show the exterior of the library, the exterior of the south entrance and patio, and the exterior of the east entrance. These four views are recorded on a quad recorder that shows the quad (four) images and then cycles through each image, returning to the quad and continuing through the cycle. The videotapes were removed by a law enforcement officer who indicated that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are not shown on these video tapes.

BROWN RESPONSE: Camera 5 exists. Camera 5 is displayed on the unclassified F.B.I. maps o f the school. Is there any evidence or reference to camera 5 being in non-working condition on Apr.20, 1999? Information on camera 5 is missing from the investigative files that have been released, except for its identification in the FBI prepared map that has never been released to the public. Please provide information on Camera 5. In addition we would ask that you provide the above-mentioned tapes (Evidence items 2468 and 2469) for review as soon as possible. It is quite irrelevant to us that these tapes do not, per your comments, show Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. The actions of law enforcement, paramedics and other personnel are very important for review and the establishment of a time-line. Please prepare unedited versions of these tapes for immediate release.

11. Channel 5 tapes (reference p. 9740).

JCSO RESPONSE: Investigative File page number JC-001-009740 is a one-page report generated by Investigator Kate Battan on April 26. 1999. In the last paragraph of that report Investigator Battan describes cameras that record specific exterior (outside) areas of Columbine High School. There is no mention of Channel 5. Please refer to the answer in question 10 for additional information.

BROWN RESPONSE: “Channel 5 tapes” refer to a radio channel in use on Apr. 20.1999. Please release a copy of these tapes. (Please disregard the page # reference. My error.)

12. Copies of tapes from the library hall as referenced by Kate Battan (p. 9740 of released pages)

JCSO RESPONSE: Investigative File page number JC-001-009740 does not mention any tape from the library hall. There was no camera in the interior library hall on April 20, 1999. Please refer to questions 10 and 11 for further information.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please note: in your response to question 10 on this page, you reference these tapes and acknowledge their existence. “Exterior tapes of the library” can be interpreted in different ways. The page number is correct. Please provide a copy for review. Perhaps they will show the LA SWAT team members on their tour of the school.

13. All existing maps in the control of Jefferson County, C.B.I. or F.B.I., including notes and legends and associated paperwork.

JCSO RESPONSE: All diagrams, except those redacted by the Court, have been released on CDROM or have been made available for public viewing. The legends for critical witnesses, which are part of witness summaries, were given to Judge Brooke Jackson for his interpretation. The Court returned the documents to the Sheriff’s Office for redaction and release.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please release legible copies of the existing maps for reproduction. The JPEG files are too unwieldy and difficult to work with, requiring the use of a professional printer. “Public viewing” does certainly not fulfill the request for a detailed review. I am certain that these maps can be copied with a minimum of distortion. Please release copies of these maps and diagrams. Please release the legends for the critical witnesses.

14. IPGU notes, maps and reports (reference p. 15762 (ipgu: Investigative & Prosecutive Graphics Unit) 700 hours of work-p. 15867.

JCSO RESPONSE: Investigative File page JC-OO1-015867 refers to the FBI ERT (Emergency Response Team) report, which has been released (Please see JC-001-015630 to JC-001-015870). Investigative File page JC-001-015762 is a list of names.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide copies of the work prepared by the Investigative & Prosecutive Unit as referenced on page 15867. We have not seen the results of 700 hours of work in the released pages. Seven hundred hours is fine equivalent of 17 weeks of work, or approx. four months of collective work by the IPGU team. Do these hours pertain to maps and diagrams that have not been released? Please release the orders and instructions for this unit, and the resulting reports and information.

15. Copy of search warrant for evidence #10252.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Court initially sealed all Columbine search warrants; however, those pertaining directly to the Harris and Klebold homes were recently released by the Court in redacted form. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is currently reviewing the remaining warrants for redaction and release and will seek direction from the Court prior to doing so.

BROWN RESPONSE: We will pursue this search warrant through requests to the court and sheriff’s department.

16. Area 8 notes, files and reports

JCSO RESPONSE: All documents in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, redacted by the Court, have been released or made available to the public. All redacted diagrams have been released or made available to the public.

BROWN RESPONSE: Area 8 notes, files and reports arc conspicuously absent from the released pages. Your response that all documents have been released is incorrect. We still await the 5,000 pages of materials, and other documents that have not been released. Please provide the requested information.

17. All information and notes from L.A. swat team including:

1) Purpose of visit
2) Names and badge numbers of officers
3) Any report or generated paperwork from said officers
4) Time of arrival and actions while at Columbine
5) Any interview with said SWAT team
6) Associated expenses paid by Jefferson County or any party.

JCSO RESPONSE: Four Officers from the Los Angeles Police Department responded to Columbine High School on April 22, 1999. They were not invited by the Jefferson County S heriff’s Office and their expenses were not paid by the Sheriff’s Office. In reviewing the crime scene log, those officers were identified as Mike Decoudrcs, Mike Hiliman, Bill Holcomb and Tom Runyon. They were escorted into Columbine High School by Bomb Squad Technician Glenn Grove on April 22, 1999 at about 11:05 AM and they left the school about 12:35 PM. They were not allowed access to the Columbine Library portion of the school. They did not provide a report to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. Please contact the Los Angeles Police Department for any reports they may have generated.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide a list of all other non-essential personnel who were given a tour of Columbine. Please provide a copy of the crime scene log, referenced in your response, that was maintained at Columbine High School. Did these SWAT officers from Los Angeles take photographs? Did you charge admission?

18. Forensics testing from the C.B.I. regarding Columbine, including laser tests.

JCSO RESPONSE: Any reports from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released. The Review Committee has already contacted the Colorado Bureau of Investigations for any documents they may possess.

BROWN RESPONSE: Laser tests are mentioned in the existing reports. Please use your computer program to cross-reference that page number. Please release the requested information, including forensic testing.

19. Full report on evidence number 2752, including ballistics testing and notes p. 11651. These bullets were found in the faculty parking lot on the north side of the school.

JCSO RESPONSE: The report regarding Jefferson County Sheriff’'s Office evidence #2752 (CBI #1046) is documented and has been released (JC-001-012149 to JC-001-012206). The Review Committee has already contacted the Colorado Bureau of Investigations for any reports they may have.

BROWN RESPONSE: In researching this bullet fragment, the following pages arc used: JC-001-009748. CBI 1035/1042, and JC-001-011651. The following problems remain:

1) Two bullet holes are in the window of the Blazer, and only one bullet fragment is recovered.

2) Page 2 of the report on page JC-001-009748 is missing.

3) No definitive identification exists for this bullet fragment.

Please answer: 1) Was this bullet fired by a policeman or by Harris or by Klebold?

2) Was the other bullet fired into the Blazer recovered under a different evidence number?

3) Where is page 2 of the report found on page JC-001-009748?

4) Has any follow-up testing been done on this bullet fragment?

5) Was an effort made to recover the other missing bullet?

6) Does the sheriff’s dept. have any information or testimony regarding this fragment?

7) No statements that have been released refer to bullets being fired by Harris or Klebold in the direction of the teachers’ parking lot. Do these statements exist? This bullet fragment was discovered on 4/24/99 and submitted to the CBI one month later than other fragments. Was there a reason for the delay? 9) Were measurements taken of the two bullet holes in the window?

20. Reference to bombs found in 3 cars, p. 7414 full notes and reference material.

JCSO RESPONSE: That diagram was copied from an unknown news magazine and used early in the investigation by some of the investigators before more accurate diagrams were completed. Investigators sometimes used the diagram when interviewing witnesses to assist them with determining where witnesses were located on April 20, 1999. The reference to “3 bombs" was an error by the media.

BROWN RESPONSE: Thank you for the explanation. I guess the maps of the school had not arrived at that point in the investigation. We can only guess that they were delayed because Milsap and Baldwin were delayed by the “is that the sheriff’s guy” conversation on their cell phones.

21. All notes, files, reports, audio tapes and records from Diversion counselor, Robert Kriegshauser, concerning Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, or any other related person from the Columbine incident, the January 1998 van break-in and any other case related to these matters.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has released all redacted information regarding Harris and Klebold’s Diversion Program that it has in its possession. The Diversion Files are currently under review by the Open Records Review Committee.

BROWN RESPONSE: Diversion files released. Please release a copy of the letter sent to Principal DeAngelis regarding the early release of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold from the diversion, as mentioned in the diversion policy and by Ms. Spicer. In addition, Kathy Sasak told the Governor’s Commission on Columbine that the biggest lesson learned was that the boys drove together to diversion. We are unable to find a reference to this statement in the released diversion files. Please release the pages that reference Ms. Sasak’s comments, along with any other information that has not been released.

22. Access to program and files from Control Number Search Methods used by any involved agency. See p.7107 and DN control numbers. These are unavailable to the public at this time and are necessary to ensure that files are not hidden.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Rapid Start Lead Sheets were handwritten leads that were assigned a number and typed into the computer. Any reports generated by these lead sheets have already been reviewed by the Court and released or redacted. Recently, the Rapid Start Lead Sheets were given to Judge Brook Jackson’s Court for redaction. The Court returned the documents to the Sheriff’s Office for redaction and/or release. This will be a time consuming process, as each lead sheet needs to be compared to the written report so that it may be redacted consistently with the Court’s previous redactions.

BROWN RESPONSE: This is valuable information. We await the release of this information.

23. All related paperwork being held by JCSO or the Jefferson County School District relating to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, including school files, disciplinary reports, notes by school counselors, notes by school administrators and reports by teachers.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted documents in the Investigative Files have been released. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will be reviewing all pertinent documents in the evidence vault for redaction and release. Please contact the R-I School District for any documents they may have in their possession.

BROWN RESPONSE: This request was for files in the possession of J.C.S.O. Deputy Gardner was an employee of the J.C.S.O. This request was for all of Deputy Gardner’s files related to the initial request. Did the J.C.S.O. return their files to the Jefferson County School District? Does the J.C.S.O. have a policy of returning evidence files belonging to the J.C.S.O. to the school district? Do you have copies of these files? How can you state in previous responses that all redacted documents have been released and state in this response that you will be reviewing all pertinent documents in the evidence room for redaction? Exactly which obfuscation are you using? Perhaps you should review all pertinent information in all files for redaction per the court order. Please provide the requested information.

24. Time stamping log and coded time-stamp references for all 911 and related tapes. This will include any electronic time stamping. If not reproducible, three members of the committee and Brian Rohrbough and Alan Prendergast will be allowed to review them in depth.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office no longer has the same Dictaphone system that it had in 1999 and cannot plav the complete DAT tape that contains radio traffic and phone calls received on April 20, 1999. The log of phone calls given to the El Paso Sheriff’s Office has been released.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please supply us with the 911 tapes so that they may be time stamped and copied. We will be responsible for time copying and machine availability. This is a blatant and ongoing attempt by the JCSO to conceal available information. Please provide the requested information.

25. Fulfill and complete all existing Freedom of Information Act/Open Record requests now at Jefferson County or the C.B.I. which are now in place or have been previously refused, which pertain to Columbine. Reference multiple requests from Westword, C.B.S., and Randy Brown.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Attorney continues to review and address open records requests.

BROWN RESPONSE: We await your response to the unanswered requests.

26. Copies of tapes made by Robert Holder. Reference p. 13236.

JCSO RESPONSE: The three audio tapes of dispatch traffic, JCSO evidence item # 10241, is radio traffic from April 20, 1999 recorded by Robert Holder, a private citizen. These tapes have been provided pursuant to previous Open Record requests. They will be copied and bate stamped and available to requestors.


27. Copies of Denver SWAT channel tapes from April 20th. 1999.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have copies of the Denver Police Department radio traffic. Please contact the Denver Police Department.

BROWN RESPONSE: The J.C.S.O. does not have copies of all related 911 and radio traffic for Apr. 20, 1999? How did the J.C.S.O. complete a thorough investigation without these tapes? Please provide the requested information.

28. Copies of Arapahoe County dispatch tapes from April 20, 1999. including all channels.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have copies of the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office radio traffic. Please contact Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office.

BROWN RESPONSE: The J.C.S.O. does not have copies of the Arapahoe County 911 tapes and radio traffic for Apr. 20, 1999? How did the J.C.S.O. complete a thorough investigation without these tapes? Please provide the requested information.

29. Follow up tapes and notes and interviews with teachers, counselors, administrators and law enforcement personnel on scene April 20, 1999. This will include re interviews with Gardner and O‘Shea, referenced but not supplied. This request covers written interviews and videos of interviews.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted documents and audio tapes of the shoot team interviews in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released.

BROWN RESPONSE: No follow-up interviews exist for Gardner or O'Shea? I believe that Kate Battan mentions that a follow-up interview was conducted with Deputy Gardner. Has this been overlooked? It should be noted that Deputy Gardner’s statement does not match the ballistic evidence. One of his bullets was found in the cafeteria, four in the library, and others found outside the school, with some still not located (see question 2).

If it is true that no follow-up interviews were completed, why not? Regarding Deputy O’Shea, statements released in the official report vary greatly on the number of rounds fired. Why have no follow-up interviews been completed with Deputy O’Shea? How did the JCSO complete a thorough investigation without these and other follow-up interviews? Please provide the requested information.

30. All associated agency reports.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has released all redacted reports in the Investigative Files. Please contact individual agencies for any reports they may have generated that were not provided to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

BROWN RESPONSE: Interesting. You state previously that you have not even reviewed all of the reports for redaction, so your response that you have “released all redacted reports” is certainly misleading. We must point out again that we are still waiting for the 5,000 pages ordered for redaction on May 1, 2002. Apparently, the responsibility for obtaining all associated agency reports has become that of the Columbine Review Task Force. We hope that you will cooperate with them. It is difficult to believe that the J.C.S.O. did not request these reports. How did the J.C.S.O. complete a thorough investigation without them? Please provide the requested information.

31. Boatright interview and Critical Incident Team Tapes now in the Jefferson County Evidence Vault.

JCSO RESPONSE: The interview with Deputy Gardner conducted by Arvada Police Department Detective Boatright has been released (JC-001 -01115S to JC-001-011251). All Shoot Team tapes have been released on CD-ROM (JC-001-011252).

BROWN RESPONSE: The request was also for the Critical Incident Tapes. Please supply.

32. The complete 911 calls from the D.P.D. officer John Lietz.

JCSO RESPONSE: The redacted phone call has been released and is included in the CD-ROM of radio traffic and phone calls. If Mr. Brown is referring to evidence item #10357, the “Matt Depew” phone call, this is a copy of the voice message left by Matt Depew on his father's pager. The message is a few seconds long and has been released pursuant to previous Open Records requests. They will be copied and bate stamped and available to requestors.


33. Provide a complete accounting and explanation as to missing pages from the approx.10,600 released pages. Examples: a) Dunnebecke page 9791, this 7 page report has pages 2. 3. 4, 5 and 7 missing, b) page 9750, page 3 of pages 1-3 is missing, c) page 9748, page 2 of pages 1 and 2 is missing. This list to include all missing pages.

JCSO RESPONSE: Several reports included evidence sheets, which were separated and placed in the evidence book. Specifically, page three of Investigator Dunnebecke’s report is an evidence sheet (Item #10285). Deputy Black's second page is also an evidence sheet (Item #2752). Dunnebecke’s 7-page report was released as JC-001-009793A-D and JC-001-009794A.

BROWN RESPONSE: This does not explain the hundreds of pages included in this request. The examples given were for demonstration purposes. Can you provide us with a cross-reference that will identity the missing pages and their location? If one is not available, how do you keep track of the pages and their locations since they are not filed in sequential order? Please provide the requested information.

34. Detective John Kiekbusch is shown in a Rocky Mountain News photo standing in front of 300 volumes of Columbine reports. Release of these 300 volumes or have an independent party ascertain that duplications, as stated by Kate Battan do exist.

JCSO RESPONSE: This was explained at the first meeting with the Open Records Review Committee. When the Investigative files were made there were four identical copies of each book. The first copy is the “Records” copy that contains the original reports. The second copy is the “Investigation” copy that was used as a working copy so that the originals would not be tattered and torn. The third copy is the “Administrative” copy that was used for the same purpose as the Investigation copy. The Administrative set of books was provided to Judge Jackson for review and redaction. The fourth copy was the “District Attorney” copy, which would have been given to the District Attorney in the event a case was filed.

Additionally, at the conclusion of the investigation, each book was reviewed and all duplicates of reports were removed. Only one copy of each report, with very few exceptions, remain in each set of books. These reports were then cross-referenced so they could be located easily. For instance, the majority of the witnesses were placed in a book identifying where they were when the shooting began, i.e. cafeteria, hallway, outside, not on location, etc.

If an Investigator interviewed six witnesses and wrote one report, that report will be located under the Agency book, under the investigator’s name. A cross reference was then placed in the Records and Investigation book under the witnesses’ name so that all reports of witnesses could be found. This avoided making six copies of the same report and placing them in six different places. Understandably, when the duplicate reports were removed the volume of the books decreased.

BROWN RESPONSE: This photo was taken for publicity purposes? May we please have a copy of the cross-referenced index that locates the items in the Records and Investigation book. In addition, please see the Brown response to question 65. Your explanation is spurious and not believable. Did you give the District Attorney a copy for the Duran and Manes trials? When did you give this copy to D.A. Thomas? Please respond with the requested information, and/or allow members of the task force to review these files to assure that the JCSO response can be confirmed.

35. Full ballistics information! notes on evidence#1074. left out of the comparison to "item 0". See page 12208.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has released all redacted documents in their possession regarding CB1 reports. The Review Committee has already contacted CBI for any reports they may have in their possession.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide information on evidence JCSO 1074. This item was submitted to the C.B.I. for analysis, and the analysis is not in the files. We have reviewed the C.B.I. reports for evidence items CBI 550/JCSO 1068 through CBI 563/JCSO 1088 and are unable to find evidence JCSO 1074. We know that this evidence number exists, as it was tested against item #0. Please provide us with information regarding evidence JCSO 1074, or a written statement that you have no ballistics information regarding this evidence number.

36. A copy of Dylan Klebold's autopsy report, to eliminate controversy created by the leaked crime scene photos.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Court sealed Klebold’s autopsy report. The matter is still under appeal.


37. Copies of any and all dispatch tapes or recordings from any and all agencies from April 20, 1999.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office released their redacted radio traffic and 911 calls from April 20, 1999. Please contact other agencies for information regarding their radio traffic.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide a copy of these tapes for time-stamping purposes.

38. A copy of the updated Policy and Procedure Manual from Jefferson County (JCSO) that will verify a change in the first responder techniques. We have a copy of the original procedure. Because of the response at Standley Lake, it is necessary to verify that these policies have been changed.

JCSO RESPONSE: A public CD Rom version of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedure Manual is available by contacting the Records Section o f the Sheriff’s Office. Note that certain critical information that may put citizens and deputies in jeopardy cannot be included in the public version. For instance, an active shooter knowing the tactics and training regarding an active shooter would be detrimental to the responding officers. Any dissemination or possession of the nonpublic version, outside of litigation, by a member of the public is considered unauthorized by the Sheriff’s Office. Any such copies should be returned, as possession could jeopardize the safety of the public or deputies.

BROWN RESPONSE: We are very concerned with officer safety. We are also very concerned with the safety of unarmed children in a public or private school. The safety of the children is OUR PRIORITY. Please provide the requested information. Please note that 5 man teams, first responder policies and hall-boss responses are all public knowledge, and have been shown on national television. We don’t believe that disclosing the policy of SWAT team response in Jefferson County will be of any detriment or danger to the officers in the county.

Actually, any revealed policy will be better than the example shown at Columbine on Apr. 20th, 1999. Perhaps the existence of an effective SWAT policy would actually be a deterrent. Are officers allowed to fire into a school at unidentified targets in Jefferson County, or is that only the policy of the Denver Police Dept.? Please provide the requested information.

39. Policy changes to the Jefferson County Diversion Program instituted by D.A. Dave Thomas or any other party showing that the errors and policy failures by the diversion program and the District Attorney’s office from 1998 have been corrected.

JCSO RESPONSE: Please contact the District Attorney for that information.

BROWN RESPONSE: We have been told by Dave Thomas that these policy changes (if they exist) have all been verbal. Not exactly a comforting thought.

40. A copy of the search warrant affidavit for the home of Dylan Klebold from the Brown complaint of March 18,1998.

JCSO RESPONSE: This is the same question as #5. Again, no affidavit exists for the Klebold residence for March / April 1998.

BROWN RESPONSE: You are stating that no search warrant affidavit exists for the Klebold home for the months of March and April of 1998. Does a search warrant affidavit for the Klebold home exist for January or February or May or any other month prior to Apr. 20th 1999? Your response appears evasive. Please supply us with a copy of any and all existing or prepared search warrants or affidavits for search warrants for the Klebold home prior to Apr. 20th 1999.

41. Copies of any and all associated paperwork from Det. John Hicks relating to Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, case 98-3364, case 98-5504, case 99-7625, Kevin Foy and the Harris or the Klebold family.

JCSO RESPONSE: This is the same question as #8. Again, all redacted reports in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please see the response to question #8.

42. An internal affairs investigation by the Browns was initiated. This investigation was denied. We are requesting a written statement by the Sheriff's Dept, denying, in writing, this requested investigation, along with any interviews and records pertaining to this investigation. Contact the Internal Affairs Division of Jeffco.

JCSO RESPONSE: Investigations brought to the Jefferson County Internal Affairs Unit are not released to the public. The Jefferson County Policy and Procedure Manual states that “Internal Affairs investigations, records and related information are confidential, and shall not be discussed or disclosed to any person except as required for official Sheriff’s Office business”.

BROWN RESPONSE: The result of the investigation is not even given to the complaining party. Incredible. It seems reasonable that responding to the complaining party would be Official Sheriff’s Office Business. I guess that is not the policy under Sheriff Stone. Please provide the requested information.

43. A full report listing the training schedule and programs attended by the Jefferson County SWAT team. This would include any first responder training and "hall boss" training. This information will be released to the committee for review and recommendations as to further training.

JCSO RESPONSE: Release of certain SWAT information could jeopardize the safety of officers. SWAT Officers receive training as a group, however, an individual officer can also request to take additional training subject to approval. The Review Committee’s role is to review and recommend release of documents. The Review Committee does not have a role in determining appropriate training.

BROWN RESPONSE: Very true. This request was made as a citizen of Jefferson County. I suppose it is unreasonable to know, as a citizen, what training our officers are provided with. This request was made because we have been told that no training exists for these officers. We would request that these officers be well trained, and that this training would be at the expense of the Sheriff’s Office. We hope that this is the case. We do not see how releasing the SWAT team training does any harm to the SWAT team. A well-trained SWAT team is a deterrent to crime, and provides for the safety of citizens and policemen. Please provide the requested information.

44. A release of the time line prepared by Jefferson County as to Harris and Klebold's movements before and during April 20, 1999. This would include any time line prepared by Jeffco. In any form.

JCSO RESPONSE: The time line specific to the events of April 20, 1999 was released on the Final Report CD-ROM. The detailed reports from the Investigative Files, which have been previously released, contain details on dates, times and other information.

BROWN RESPONSE: It was our understanding that the time line requested was shredded. We have received the B.A.T.F. timeline from the B.A.T.F. We would ask why you shredded the time-line that you had prepared? Did you take photos or maintain a record of said time-line? Please provide the requested information.

45. Minutes, notes and recordings from any meeting at Jefferson County Schools or Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office where dangerous behavior or threats by Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold were ever mentioned.

JCSO RESPONSE: No such notes exist in the Investigative files. Please contact specific individuals or R-1 School District for any documents they may have in their possession.

BROWN RESPONSE: Dep. Gardner was an employee of the sheriff’s dept. Please provide a copy of any and all reports generated or received by Dep. Gardner regarding Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. It may interest you to know that these files do exist. Dep. Gardner told us in person that he had received files from the sheriff’s dept. on Eric Harris regarding the death threats made on the internet. Why do you not have these files? Why have you not released these files? It is not our responsibility to contact individuals for information in your files. Please provide the requested information.

46. Existing research and results of research as presented by Dave Thomas to victims' families, from reports initialed by the Browns. Said results were displayed at a meeting, but have never been released to the Browns or the families.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not possess any such documents. Please contact the District Attorney’s Office for any documents they may possess.

BROWN RESPONSE: We have requested these reports from Dave Thomas.

47. Dates and sign-in sheets regarding Time reporter Tim Roche during his visit to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Dept, and his review of the “basement tapes " and other evidence.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have any documents with this information. Please contact Time Magazine or Tim Roche for any documents they may possess.

BROWN RESPONSE: Mr. Roche was allowed full and complete access to the “basement tapes" and no records were kept? A deputy or investigator was in the room with him. Please provide the notes from this deputy or investigator or any attending personnel and records from Sheriff Stone and Kate Battan regarding any conversations with Mr. Roche.

48. Notes from the daily meetings during the investigation. Notes of these meetings were taken by at least two investigators during the meetings, and have not been released in any form.

JCSO RESPONSE: No such notes exist in the Investigative Files. Please contact specific individuals for any notes they may have in their possession.

BROWN RESPONSE: We have a statement from an F.B.I. agent that these meetings took place, and that two investigators took copious notes. These meetings were attended by lead investigators. Why do you not have these notes? Why have you not released them? You should have these notes, and it is not our responsibility to contact specific individuals for any notes. The FBI agent informed us that Kate Battan was present at these daily meetings. She is well aware of the process, and items being requested.

Many reports from investigators were given orally to the group, and two investigators made complete notes. It is not possible that Ms. Battan is unaware of this process, as she was reportedly present as it happened. As lead investigator she should have a copy of these notes, or know where to obtain them. Please provide the requested information.

49. A copy of the twelve pages retrieved by Det. John Hicks as referenced in the affidavit for the search warrant of Eric Harris' home.

JCSO RESPONSE: All documents relating to 98-5504 have been released. There were eleven pages of web page information supplied with the report. These are the only pages attached to the report. There are not twelve.

BROWN RESPONSE: Quote from the search warrant: “consisting of 12 pages retrieved from Eric David Harris’ web site.” Please provide the 12 pages as referenced in the search warrant, or an admission that the sworn testimony in the search warrant is false.

50. Verification that Detective John Hicks did complete a class in computer crime in 1997 or 1998.

JCSO RESPONSE: Course notes and completions are maintained in personnel files which are not available under the Open Records Act.

BROWN RESPONSE: Acknowledged.

51. A resume and list of qualifications for Lt. John Kiekbusch as stated prior to April 20, 1999.

JCSO RESPONSE: Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have a resume for Division Chief Kiekbusch on file.

BROWN RESPONSE: No resume exists for former Division Chief John Kiekbusch? Very interesting. We have a recently obtained a copy of Alfred John Kiekbusch Jr.’s resume/job application from the Sheriffs Dept. Perhaps you didn't know his first name was Alfred. Since you have misplaced yours, would you like us to supply you a copy? It does mention his four indictments for: Felony theft, Conspiracy, Offering false instruments, and Vehicle registration violation. Would you like a copy of his arrest record? We will be glad to supply it to you, after completing all necessary redactions of course.

52. A copy of the certification test taken by John Stone after his election. This would include all tests and results pertaining to his certification and requirements.

JCSO RESPONSE: The test is written and administered by the POST Board. A copy of this test is not given to the applicant to keep. Please contact the POST Board for certification requirements and test information. Sheriff Stone did pass the certification test in 1999.

BROWN RESPONSE: Do you have any information on how many times Mr. Stone had to take this test before passing it? We have been informed that he did not pass the test the first time, and received “special treatment” in order to pass. Can you confirm this?

53. Pages are missing from the consecutive numbered release of documents. Page 15872 is the final page released, constituting the final released page of the photographic log. The recently released FBI maps are labeled with evidence number 15910. Please provide the missing pages, or an explanation why the numbers 15873 through 15909 are missing.

JCSO RESPONSE: JC-001-015873 to JC-C01-015904 are the Arvada Police Department reports that were released subsequent to Mr. Brown’s Open Record request at the Arvada Police department. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Bate Stamped (numbered) those reports that we didn’t previously have for tracking purposes. JC-001-015905 to JC-OOI-015909 is the CBI report regarding the testing of a bullet found in Corey DePooter’s backpack.

BROWN RESPONSE: Thank you for the explanation.

54. Any and all phone records used in this investigation.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Court initially sealed all Columbine search warrants. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is currently reviewing the remaining warrants for redaction and release and will seek direction from the Court prior to doing so.

BROWN RESPONSE: Acknowledged. Please release the requested information upon the court’s approval.

55. The Denver shoot team investigation as completed by Denver P.D. and not released.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have any knowledge of any investigation conducted by the Denver Police Department Shoot Team. Please contact the Denver Police Department regarding any investigation or documents they may have.

BROWN RESPONSE: The Denver Shoot Team Review has been released. How did you complete a thorough investigation without this information? Did JCSO do a shoot team review of the murders and police response on Apr. 20th 1999? How did you complete a thorough investigation without this information?

56. The complete report from the Valeen Schnurr interview as referenced on page 148.

JCSO RESPONSE: Arvada Police Department Detective Russ Boatright interviewed Valeen Schnurr and wrote an 11-page report. In the report Detective Boatright notes that Valeen Schnurr described her evacuation in detail however, he did not include that information in his report.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please contact the investigating officer and ask him to write a supplemental report that is comprehensive and complete, and that describes the treatment received by Ms. Schnurr from the police personnel on the scene on Apr. 20, 1999.

57. The fire department tripwire report from Blackjack Pizza (1997, 1998, 1999).

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have any such documents. Please contact the Fire Department for those records.

BROWN RESPONSE: It was our understanding that a trip wire device is a felony. Was a report prepared by the J.C.S.O.? Is it (the policy of the J.C.S.O. to not report or make files on explosive devices when reported? Do the Fire Department and the JCSO communicate when an explosive device is found? Please release the requested information.

58. Field notes from deputies in the southern corridor for the time span of March 7, 1998 through March 17, 1998.

JCSO RESPONSE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have a catalog of officer notes. Generally, an officer does not keep notes after a report is written.

BROWN RESPONSE: Field notes are kept by deputies for long periods of time. Specifically, they may be called Daily Field Activity Reports, or DFAR. Please provide the requested DFARS. In addition, please provide the corresponding time-logs maintained by dispatch for the requested time period, along with officers time records.

59. Officer Healey’s notes and report for case file #98-5504. 98-3365 and 99-7625.Reference press release by Sheriff’s Department/District Attorney‘s office of approx. May 1, 1999.

JCSO RESPONSE: Investigator Healy did not write reports for cases 98-3365 or 98-5504. Any reports he wrote regarding the Columbine High School shooting, 99-7625, have been released. Investigator Healy does not have any notes from these three cases.

BROWN RESPONSE: Officer Healy was reported to be an investigating officer on at least one of these cases, per a press conference held by Division Chief Kiekbush. Please provide his notes and reports and all A.O.L. investigative material, particularly those used to obtain the search warrants for Apr. 20, 1999. We did notice that, in this case, you contacted Deputy Healey about his notes. Please contact the other parties named in these questions for their notes and files.

60. Report from Del. John Kiekbusch for April 20, 1999.

JCSO RESPONSE: Division Chief Kiekbusch did not write a report for case number 99-7625.

BROWN RESPONSE: Former Division Chief John Kiekbush did not write a report on the Columbine incident, an active murder investigation? He was on scene, and reportedly in command. The person in command for part of the day on April 20, 1999 did not prepare a written report? Please provide any and all reports generated by former Division Chief Kiekbush for Apr. 20, 1999, prepared on that date or on any subsequent date.

61. All notes and files used to prepare the press release dated approximately May 1, 1999 that begins: “On March 18, 1998” We are requesting all files and background information on this report, including who prepared it, copies of the documents used as reference material, and John Hick files reports and memoranda.

JCSO RESPONSE: Records arc not kept regarding the materials used to write a press release. The Sheriff’s Office is unaware of any notes or background material used to create this specific press release.

BROWN RESPONSE: The J.C.S.O. does not have records, notes, or information regarding the press release dated approx. May 1, 1999? A press release was prepared and read on national television and no one knows where the information came from or who provided it? A press release full of lies and misinformation was read on national television and no one knows where the information came from? Please provide the requested information. Perhaps you should look in former Division Chief John Kiekbush’s desk or in Sheriff Stone’s office. Please provide the requested information.

62. Time stamping and relevant background information and tapes for the 911 and dispatch tapes as released for the El Paso report on Dan Rohrbough. These have been released to El Paso and then edited. We are requesting a full release including time stamping.

JCSO RESPONSE: As noted in question 24, the El Paso Sheriff’s Office released the log of phone calls provided lo them in their investigation. That is the only log of calls in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. It will be released from the Sheriff’s Office with the Rapid Start Lead sheets and other documents not previously released. Also, as noted in question 24, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office no longer has the Dictaphone system capable of playing the DAT tape, which shows the time of the phone call and radio traffic. The El Paso Sheriff’s Office was able to play the DAT tape on their system and video the time stamping for particular calls.

BROWN RESPONSE: You played it for them. Play it for us. Please provide this valuable information. The ease of access to this information by El Paso has demonstrated that this information is easily available and easy to copy. El Paso was given this information in a timely and efficient manner. Please extend the same efficiency to this request, and release the requested information. We have arranged to review these tapes on a compatible DAT machine with a cooperative agency.

63. All maps and map programs as released to El Paso Sheriff’s Department. This would include the mapping capability to draft special maps for the two shooters and each of the 12 officers who fired their weapons on April 20, 1999. This capability was shown in the presentation by El Paso County Sheriff’s Dept.

JCSO RESPONSE: All diagrams provided to the El Paso Sheriff’s Office have been released on CD-ROM or made available to the public. The El Paso Sheriff’s Office created a presentation, which was shown to the public. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have a copy of that presentation.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide the requested information. If you do not have this information, please request it from El Paso for distribution.

64. All reports and investigative notes from A.O.L regarding threats on A.O.L. from the police report 98-5504.

JCSO RESPONSE: All reports in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released regarding case 98-5504.

BROWN RESPONSE: The AOL reports are mentioned in the search warrants. We are assuming that they exist, since they are referenced in these official documents, unless the sworn information provided to obtain the search warrants was fraudulent. Please provide the accompanying investigative files/reports that confirm the web page addresses belonged to Eric Harris. You could not have used the web addresses in the search warrant without documentation of their confirmation with AOL. Please provide the requested information, or a written admission that the sworn testimony in the search warrants is false.

65. Missing pages from pages released by Jefferson County on case 99-7625 as evidenced by variation in page numbers. To be specific, Gardner report is numbered page 011158 in the previously released report from April 12, 2001. This same page is numbered 018527 in the El Paso report and on the CD-ROM released for the El Paso report. This discrepancy of 7369 pages has not been explained in any report or release by the Jeffco. Sheriff’s Dept. as of this date (April 21, 2002). It should he noted that these missing pages calculate to approx. 26,352 pages in the available report, with an actual release number o f 15,872 pages.

JCSO RESPONSE: As explained in question 34, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has an "Administrative" copy of the Investigative Files that was redacted by Judge Jackson. The pages were numbered with JC-001-page number. If the Court redacted an entire page, section or book, those were not numbered. For instance, medical reports, warrants and Harris and Klebold writings were redacted and not numbered as part of the documents released. The “Investigation” copy of the Investigative Files was numbered with JC-003- page number. This included all redacted documents. The difference in numbers is the difference between what was redacted and released to the public and what was not released. The El Paso Sheriff’s Office was provided unredacted documents and therefore had the JC-003 numbered pages.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide a copy of the “Administrative Copy” of the investigative file for verification purposes. Your explanation provided does not explain the discrepancy between one page numbered 11,158 and the same page numbered 18,527 in a different file. To be specific, you have deleted 7,369 pages from the 18,527 pages referenced above, which is a redaction rate of 40% of the available material. It is difficult to believe that the judge ordered the redaction of 40% of the available material. Please provide the pages, in their redacted form, in compliance with the judge’s orders.

66. All notes and recordings from Deputy Mike Heylin from 1998 and 1999 that related to case 98-5504 and 98-3365 and 99-7625.

JCSO RESPONSE: Investigator Mike Heylin is employed by the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office does not have any reports from Investigator Heylin reference 98-5504 and 98-3365. Any reports he generated regarding the Columbine Shootings were released in the Investigative Files. Please contact the District Attorney’s Office for any other reports he may have generated.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please release all notes and reports generated by Deputy Heylin with regard to this question.

67. Notes and reports of any kind from Dep. Baldwin with regard to case 98-3365, 98-5504 and 99-7625, and any report that mentions or refers to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

JCSO RESPONSE: Any reports generated by Sergeant Baldwin have been released in the Investigative Files.

BROWN RESPONSE: No notes exist from Deputy Baldwin for cases number 98-3365, 98-5504? Do we have the complete set of notes from Dep. Baldwin for Apr. 20, 1999? Does a supplemental report exist for the “is that the sheriff’s guy" conversation? Deputy Baldwin was the sergeant in charge for case 98-3365, and he did not file a report? Deputy Baldwin’s name is mentioned in the continuation report of case 98-3365 and you do not have it on file? How can we have a copy and the JCSO DOES NOT? Please provide us with the requested information.

68. Deputy Gardner’s files from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office or Columbine High School regarding Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

JCSO RESPONSE: Deputy Gardner does not possess any such files.

BROWN RESPONSE: Dep. Gardner was an employee of the J.C.S.O. during his assignment as school resource officer at Columbine High School. Files were forwarded to him by Detective Hicks. Notations exist to this effect on officially released pages. Is it the position of the J.C.S.O. that these files do not exist? Have they been shredded? Have they been given to the school district? Please provide us with the requested information.

69. Report by Dep. Muse regarding Brooks Brown as mentioned in search warrants prepared for the Harris and/or Klebold residence.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted reports generated by Sergeant Muse in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office have been released.

BROWN RESPONSE: Unacceptable response. Please provide the requested information.

70. Follow up interviews with all officers, including Dep. Gardner, relating to the Columbine incident that are missing from the released pages.

JCSO RESPONSE: The report and transcript of Neil Gardner’s interview have been released.

BROWN RESPONSE: We have been told that follow-up interviews were completed. Please provide.

71. All computer files related to or recovered from the Dell Optiplex computer recovered as evidence, as mentioned in the C.B.I. report.

JCSO RESPONSE: Assuming that Mr. Brown is referring to evidence items 1624 and 1627, two Optiplex computers taken from Columbine High School, the files retrieved from the computers were a result of a search warrant, which is currently sealed by the Court. Additionally, R -l School District and any person depicted in the files would need to be notified prior to release and given the opportunity to contest such release. The computers were returned to R-l School District.

BROWN RESPONSE: It has been reported to us that these computer files contain entries left by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold regarding the Columbine tragedy. Please release these computer files. These files are evidence in a murder case. They contain valuable information. The school district does not have jurisdiction over the courts, and has no right to keep this crime scene information from the public. This valuable information cannot be kept secret to protect the school district. You have shown very little concern for the release of names in the past. Please provide the requested information.

72. Videos recovered from the Sony Hi-8 VCR recovered from Columbine High School as mentioned in the C.B.I. report.

JCSO RESPONSE: Please provide a page number or evidence number so this question can be addressed.

BROWN RESPONSE: Videos made by Eric Veik and entered into evidence. Please provide the requested information.

73. School disciplinary records from Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted reports in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released. Please contact R -l School District for any documents they may possess.

BROWN RESPONSE: These reports have not been copied by the J.C.S.O. for the record or for evidentiary purposes? Did the J.C.S.O. seize these records and then return them to the school district? Please provide the requested information.

74. All supplementary reports supplied by any agency not included in the released pages. See example: Page 8755 from the released pages and supplemental report from Arapahoe County. This supplemental report is missing from the Jefferson County Report, showing that other reports have not been released.

JCSO RESPONSE: All redacted reports in the possession of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office have been released. This is one of the objectives of the Review Committee and the purpose for the inventories prepared by those agencies.

BROWN RESPONSE: Please provide the computer capability to cross-reference these files. We acknowledge that, possibly, all of the REDACTED reports in the possession of JCSO may have been released, with some obvious exceptions. It is the hidden, unredacted, and missing files, reports, maps and ballistic information that concern us.

75. Videotape from 04/07/99 showing an individual walking through the cafeteria at 1:09:35 a.m. This tape is currently in the possession of Jefferson County.

JCSO RESPONSE: This videotape was obtained from R-l School District regarding a Criminal Mischief report taken on April 8, 1999, case report 99-6837. The videotape and report have been previously released to Mr. Brown at his request. It is available to the public upon request, for a copy fee.

BROWN RESPONSE: The tape in reference is not the one previously released. The tape referenced here is at the end of the “basement videos” and shows an individual walking through the cafeteria on 04/07/99. Please release this portion of the “basement tapes”. Other videos of the cafeteria surveillance tape have been released to the public.

NEW QUESTION 76: Further analysis of the ballistics information has created more detailed questions regarding the identification of bullets recovered during the investigation. As an example, one round fired by a policeman is buried in a locker, and was, according to the unreleased maps, fired from a location that directly contradicts police statements.

Another round identified to a police weapon is found buried and blood soaked in the shirt of one of the victims. Yet another round is found in the cafeteria, contradicting other police statements. No mention of these and other serious findings is in the released pages as of this date. We ask that you release all of the ballistics and forensics information for complete review, along with all investigative material and interviews with regard to ballistics and forensic review and analysis.

NEW QUESTION 77: Please provide the documentation that shows the changes in policy and communication between the JCSO and the District Attorney’s Office. Do you now communicate? Are arrest records and complaints forwarded to the Diversion Officer?

NEW QUESTION 78: Please provide written verification that the computer password “FELTKL” found on page 10,371 of the officially released pages is the password for former Division Chief Kohn Kiekbusch. If not, please identify specifically whose password this is.



We believe that the sheriff, the sheriff’s office, the county attorney and the district attorney of Jefferson County have made a concerted effort to conceal information from the victims’ families and the public. We believe this effort constitutes obstruction of justice, racketeering and a violation of the public trust. In our opinion this behavior and activity is reprehensible, and criminal in intent.

It is obvious, after years of fighting the obfuscations and mistruths that now may be the time for the Federal Courts to end this debacle and seize these records being held at Jefferson County before they are all destroyed. The truth is important. The public and the victims’ families deserve the truth. They do not deserve to be lied to for over 3 1/2 years. The withholding of the search warrants and ballistics information is enough proof for even the greatest skeptic to approve the seizure and protection of these files. It will take only a cursory review of the 75 questions listed above to see that the Sheriff’s Dept. is not being forthcoming with the requested information.

Please note that many of the released items have been forced from Jefferson County through court orders and repeated open records requests. We have seen partial releases of information that are beneficial to the school district and sheriff’s department, while the information damaging to the school district and sheriff’s department is withheld for years. In our opinion this selective release of information shows a bias and intent to conceal and deceive. Let’s put these files in a safe place, where they can be protected while they are reviewed and correctly redacted for release.

We thank the Attorney General of Colorado, Ken Salazar, for his support and efforts to obtain this important information. It is because of government representatives like Mr. Salazar and Mr. Gilbert that much of this information has been released. Integrity does exist in some elected officials. We are very thankful that they have spent their valuable time and effort on this very important subject.

Please note: We have requested this information using appropriate and acceptable descriptions based on common English usage. These requests are inclusive of written, taped, verbal, notes, notations, videotapes, computer files, computer discs, handwritten notes and drawings, JPEG files, TIF files, photographs, and other methods of communication, but they are not limited to those express terms. If a file exists, in any form, these requests are inclusive of that method of communication.

This list has been prepared by: Judy Brown, Randy Brown, Brian Rohrbough and others. Should you have any detail questions please feel free to contact us.

Randy and Judy Brown

A personal note: Sheriff Stone, this is your legacy:

You lied to the citizens you were sworn to protect. You lied about the citizens you were sworn to protect. You falsely accused an innocent boy. You withheld evidence for years to protect your career. You lied to the families of murdered children.

Deception. Corruption. Incompetence. Cowardice.

Always remember that you had the chance to do the right thing, the honorable thing, and you failed.

You are a coward and a liar and an embarrassment everywhere.